Generation 2: Chapter 7

The house was filled with an sudden emptyness, even though we where still seven.

10-25-14_4-53 PM-2I spent alot of time thinking at mom and dads grave. I felt so alone, how should i ever handle the legacy without her. Just that morning i also discovered i was pregnant again, she would never see the child.

10-25-14_6-55 PMValentin was still in his party mood again, this time making a goodbye party for mom.

10-25-14_7-59 PMI do not know if it was the homones or the loss, but we ended in a fight, we went outside so Dayanara could not hear us. I had enough of his partying around all the time, he had to take this serious. Instead he just went away, now i was even more alone.

10-25-14_9-57 PM-3Dayanara was a smart girl though, so she discovered something was wrong.
“Does daddy not love me anymore mommy?”
I had to reinsure her, Valentin just needed to cool off.

10-25-14_10-17 PMIt was only when I was alone in the bathroom that I did cry, nobody else did see my misery.

10-25-14_10-40 PM-2The worst was when I could hear others enjoying their time togehter. Marcel and Keisha where madly in love with each other, I was more than jelaous.

10-25-14_11-06 PM-2Marcel also soon after proudly presented his full collection of My Sims figurines, and thereby he completed his first aspiration, ready to begin the next.

10-26-14_12-05 AMAt the same point Keisha also completed hers, the lovely couple where on a roll. I simply needed air could not stand to look at it anymore.

10-25-14_11-16 PMOutside I was hit by surprise, Valentin had been standing there for hours not daring to knock on the door. He fell on his knees and drew out a ring. He was so sorry, he just wanted to complete his aspiration for us, but he promised he would be more there for me.

10-25-14_11-16 PM-2How could I say no to that. We kissed and made up, I was so happy he was back.

10-25-14_10-54 PM-4Happiness also spread in the family. Dayanara and Carter kept inviting these 5 young children over, said that they where a gang of friends, I could not stop smiling.

10-26-14_12-17 AM-2Pain i tell you, pain, why should it hurt so much to give birth? Seriously, it really does hurt, this was going to be our last child, I did not think I could handle this one more time.

10-26-14_12-19 AMBut again, when you stand with the baby in your arms the pain is worth it all. Little Brendan was a healthy little boy, and more than welcome in the family.

Would we be able to keep the family togehter now without fights? Should we try for another baby in hopes for another girl?

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